Whilst sheltering from the rain in a branch of Cos in the West End recently we were flicking idly through the A/W edition of Arena HOMME+. Imagine our surprise when on turning the pages of the magazine's 90's inspired shoot there was a full page shot of one of our classic and much copied "No Alla Violenza"t-shirts which the stylist had sourced from Contemporary Wardrobe. The design featured was one of three we first produced in 1989 but the ringer t-shirt in the shot was from a batch of Hanes "dead stock" t-shirts we found in a warehouse in the East End and printed up in early 1990, ah.... happy memories....!
This chance discovery has prompted us to re-issue some of our favourite archive t-shirt designs. We've started with two of the original No Alla Violenza prints from 1989 and our "I Hate The Beatles" from early 2001. We've printed up a small batch and they are currently on sale in our web shop. We'll be adding new designs occasionally so keep looking...
Photographer Alasdair Mclellan